Governor says decision on schools is coming by next Tuesday

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Mississippi�s schools are currently closed until at least April 17th, and Governor Tate Reeves has announced a timeline for a decision on whether the closure will be extended.

During today�s press briefing, Governor Reeves said that he will provide �clear guidance� on the state�s plan for schools by next Tuesday (April 14th). With distance learning becoming the new normal in the meantime, he commended the work being done across the state.

“I have been encouraged by the efforts of teachers and parents to excel at distance learning. I know that�s not easy, but it�s working in many cases,” he said. “Mississippi students have already proven their exceptional ability to learn under tough circumstances. Teachers, administrators and parents are owed a tremendous debt of gratitude for their efforts during this time.”

Governor Reeves said that, in the days leading up to his decision, he will continue to consult with health experts as they examine the trends in the spread of COVID-19.

Schools have been closed in Mississippi since mid-March.�To watch the Governor’s full remarks, check out the video below.�

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