The House was divided along party lines after approving the resolution that outlines the rules of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.��
Here is what some of Mississippi’s Congressional Delegation had to say and where they stand on the issue.
Congressman Michael Guest
Congressman Michael Guest (MS-03) voted against the resolution proposed by the Democrats to establish the House of Representatives� impeachment process. The House Resolution passed the House on a 232-196 vote.
Congressman Guest reconfirmed his stance against the impeachment inquiry. �It is apparent by the process the Democrats have proposed that they have no interest in transparency, fairness, or due process.� Democrats have been focused on one goal since the day President Trump was elected � to impeach a president the American people democratically elected, regardless of the consequences.� In their mission, the Democrats have ignored the crisis on our border, they have neglected important trade agreements, and they have forgotten about our aging infrastructure.� I urge my colleagues across the aisle to drop this political sham that is creating a schism across our nation so that we can address the issues that will create a brighter future for all Americans regardless of their political beliefs.�
Congressman Steven Palazzo
Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4)�voted against H. Res. 660, a bill that would authorize an impeachment inquiry within the House of Representatives. The resolution passed the House by 232-196. Palazzo released the following statement:
�The House has many other things we can be focused on besides a bogus impeachment inquiry. We�ve yet to pass appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year, the annual defense authorization act, or the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Instead, Democrats waste precious time to further their Liberal agenda of impeaching a successful president they disagree with. I do not support the illegitimate investigations and will continue standing against the bombastic attacks made against our duly elected President.�
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