RECAP: House of Representatives, Committees Annouced

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The House of Representatives gaveled in at 9 AM.

Before the announcing of the committees, the House voted to pass “HCR 3” that would allow for the 2020 State of the State Address to be held on Monday night, January 27. As long as the weather is good, this will be on the South Steps of the Capitol at 5:00 p.m.

Speaker of the House, Philip Gunn, then announced committees and chairmanships as follows:

Accountability: Randy Boyd as Chairman; Dana Criswell as Vice-Chairman

Agriculture: Bill Pigott as Chairman, Vince Mangold as Vice-Chairman

Apportionment:�Charles Beckett as Chairman; Dan Eubanks as Vice-Chairman

Appropriations: John Read as Chairman; Karl Oliver as Vice-Chairman

Banking: Hank Zuber as Chairman; Shane Aguirre as Vice-Chairman

Conservation: Chris Brown as Chairman; Bryant Clark as Vice-Chairman

Congressional – Charles Beckett as Chairman; Dan Eubanks as Vice-Chairman

Constitution: Fred Shanks as Chairman; Stacey Wilkes as Vice-Chairman

Corrections: Kevin Horan as Chairman; Carl Mickens as Vice-Chairman

County Affairs: Larry Byrd as Chairman; Cheikh Taylor as Vice-Chairman

Drug Policy: Rob Roberson as Chairman, Joel Bomgar as Vice-Chairman

Education: Richard Bennett as Chairman, Kent McCarty as Vice-Chairman

Energy: Brent Powell as Chairman, Jeff Hale as Vice-Chairman

Enrolled Bills: Steve Horne as Chairman, John Faulkner as Vice-Chairman

Ethics: Mac Huddleston as Chairman; Percy Watson as Vice-Chairman

Executive Contingent Fund: Caroyln Crawford as Chairman; Christopher Bell as Vice-Chairman

Forestry: Kent Morgan as Chairman; Price Wallace as Vice-Chairman

Gaming: Casey Eure as Chairman; Willie Bailey as Vice-Chairman

Insurance: Gary Chism as Chairman; Kevin Ford as Vice-Chairman

Interstate: Tracy Arnold as Chairman; Tracy Rosebud as Vice-Chairman

Investigative State Offices: Randall Patterson as Chairman; Lataisha Jackson as Vice-President

Judiciary A: Angela Cockerham as Chairman; Tommy Reynolds as Vice-Chairman

Judiciary B: Nick Bain as Chairman, Noah Sanford as Vice-Chairman

Legislative Budget: Bounds, Cockerham Gunn, Lamar, Reed, White, Watson

Legislative Reapportionment: Jim Beckett as Chairman; Dan Eubanks as Vice-Chairman

Local and Private: Manly Barton as Chairman, Debra Gibbs as Vice-Chairman

Management: Jason White as Chairman

Marine Resources: Timmy Ladner as Chairman; Kevin Felsher as Vice-Chairman

Medicaid: Joey Hood as Chairman, Lee Yancey as Vice-Chairman

Military Affairs: Bob Carpenter as Chairman, Steve Hopkins as Vice-Chairman

Municipalities: Randy Rushing as Chairman, Mark Tullos as Vice-Chairman

Ports, Harbors & Airports: Jeff Guice as Chairman, Abe Hudson as Vice-Chairman

Public Health: Sam Mims as Chairman, Missy McGee as Vice-Chairman

Public Property: Tom Weathersby as Chairman, Gregory Holloway as Vice-Chairman

Public Utilities: Scott Bounds as Chairman, Brent Anderson as Vice-Chairman

Rules: Jerry Turner as Chairman, Becky Curry as Vice-Chairman

State Library: Greg Haney as Chairmans,� Rufus Straughter as Vice-Chairman

Tourism: Becky Currie as Chairman, Debra Gibbs as Vice-Chairman

Transportation: Charles Busby as Chairman, Steve Massengill as Vice-Chairman

Universities: Mac Huddleston as Chairman,� Donnie Scoggin as Vice-Chairman

Ways and Means: John Thomas “Trey” Lamar as Chairman; Jody Steverson as Vice-Chairman

Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks: Bill Kinkaid as Chairman, Shane Barnett as Vice-Chairman

Workforce: Donnie Bell as Chairman, Kenneth Walker as Vice Chairman

Youth and Family Affairs: Cedric Burnett as Chairman, Otis Anthony as Vice-Chairman

A full list of the committees and members is provided –�2020 House Committee Assignments.

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