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MSU Small Business Development Center helps businesses navigate CARES Act relief programs

posted in: Mississippi News | 0

As Mississippi�s small businesses�navigate hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mississippi State University personnel�are�providing guidance as�owners�seek funds from the U.S. government�s $2 trillion�stimulus�package.� The MSU Small Business Development Center, housed in MSU�s College of Business,�regularly provides no-cost�counseling�to business owners within … Continued

MS among first states to pay claimants �Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation�

posted in: Mississippi News | 0

Information courtesy of MDES For�many claimants in Mississippi and the administering agency,�Mississippi Department of Employment Security�(MDES): it is a day of celebration!��Today Mississippians eligible under the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program will begin seeing the $600�stimulus funding deposited on either their … Continued